2022 Under feudalism, tenants were obligated to work the land of their lords, and lords were obligated to provide for the basic needs of their tenants. 2023 Cosmopolitan feudalism? - Anthony Lydgate, WIRED, 6 Sep. Amy Davidson Sorkin, The New Yorker, 18 Jan. Francine Uenuma, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 June 2023 Harry and Meghan were never looking for private lives but, rather, for privatized ones-which sounds crass, unless one considers that the alternative was feudalism. 2021 Officials turned to unfavorable land relocation and quit-rent, a holdover from feudalism that was essentially a land tax, in hopes of course-correcting. WIRED, 6 July 2023 The abolition of slavery in the United States and feudalism in Japan were profound social and economic transformations. 2020 Format #1 is very much like feudalism, and #2 is, of course, chaos. Branko Milanovic, Foreign Affairs, 11 Aug. Recent Examples on the Web Milanovic makes the compelling argument that communism brought much of the developing world out of feudalism and into the modern world without developing an industrial middle class, as capitalism did in Europe and North America.